Print Free West Papua leaflets and other materials

Print Free West Papua leaflets and other materials


Help to Take Action for West Papua by downloading a wide variety of Campaign Materials including leaflets, letters and posters. They are high resolution and print/download-ready.


Help us to grow the movement even further by printing and sending Free West Papua materials as far and wide as possible, getting everyone able to recognise the West Papuan flag. You can help today and every day by putting up posters, delivering leaflets and forwarding campaign materials onto friends and family along with other ideas to help make West Papua a household name.

A Free West Papua logo image. Download High Resolution here

If you would like alterations made to any of these campaign materials to make them more relevant to your country, please send us an email to

Together we are creating mass awareness about the West Papuan freedom struggle and are seeing the Morning Star flag of West Papua in countries all around the world!